Pi2 PR

CEE Business Summit 2025 | Join the region's most prominent entrepreneurs and business leaders!


New market, different culture, shifting trends

  • Retail and consumer
  • Corporate reputation. Earned media.


As a new and disruptive player on the Bulgarian market, SAMEDAY, the leading courier company with the largest network of automated lockers in CEE, needed to increase its brand awareness, establish trust, and effectively communicate its achievements, plans and developments, solidifying its market position.


Pi2 developed a personalized communication strategy leveraged on brand localisation, earned media and stakeholder engagement to enhance its brand awareness, reinforce its credibility, and establish itself as a reference point in the industry. This involved an alignment of the brand’s strategy, messaging, and operations with the cultural, social, and economic context of the Bulgarian market.


We used media relations to communicate the new trends in logistics, alongside the evolving consumer preferences and e-commerce developments related to deliveries. We emphasized the growth rate of SAMEDAY among traditional players and its increased usage on the local market to increase the understanding of its impact.


+ 20 earned press articles per announcement
+ 7.5 million impressions on earned media/press release
+ x2 YoY growth of brand awareness

“Pi2's local market expertise has been crucial for SAMEDAY’s positioning in Bulgaria. Their understanding of the local landscape and effective communication strategies have helped us convey our achievements and plans. We appreciate their support and dedication.”
Margarita Manova
Marketing & Communications Manager, SAMEDAY